A Message from the Committee to “Save our BSO”

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The following is a message from a group of concerned patrons and supporters of the BSO:

The future of your BSO is in jeopardy.

Here are the facts:

  • After management advised the musicians they weren’t prepared to negotiate in June 2018, the BSO musicians’ current contract expired on September 9, 2018.
  • In September 2018, management asked the musicians to accept a four-month extension of the expired agreement while the parties continued negotiating. The musicians recently agreed to the extension, which expires on January 15, 2019.
  • On October 29, 2018, management presented their first contract proposal to the musicians in years. Their proposal included the following:
  • A minimum cut in pay of 17 percent
  • Elimination of the summer programming, reducing the contract from a full 52-week contract to a 40-week contract.
  • An effective reduction in pay of at least 22 percent, after combining the reduction in pay and the reduced season.

What does this mean?

Despite the BSO’s highly acclaimed international tour and an aggressive fundraising campaign, the BSO will forfeit its stature as a world class orchestra and become a part-time regional orchestra.
Musician compensation will not be competitive; retaining and recruiting outstanding musicians will become increasingly difficult.

What can you do?

Write to the BSO’s Board and its management in support of fair treatment of the BSO musicians and prompt negotiation of an acceptable contract. Please address your letters to Barbara Bozutto, Chair of the BSO Board of Directors, and President/CEO Peter Kjome, 1212 Cathedral Street, Baltimore, Maryland 21201.

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